How I Read Tarot: Trusting Your Tarot Reader

“How does someone come to read Tarot full-time?”

“How do you feel comfortable charging people for this?”

“Do people actually take you seriously?”

The FAQ list as a spiritual healer gets creative, and I am no exception!

5 years ago, I had no idea this is where I’d be. Not in my career, not in my spiritual journey & I definitely didn’t think I’d be answering that list of questions at the dinner table during my boyfriend’s family gathering. But, here I am, working with Tarot full-time & the list of interesting questions grows longer every day!

The most frequent question I get is “How do you read Tarot?”

So finally, I’m going to answer that for you.

Now, I'm not going to give you all of my trade secrets (sorry to disappoint), but I am going to explain to you today my style of Tarot reading, “how I read Tarot”, because it’s the most important answer for me to provide to you today.

It is so important to jive with your Tarot reader! If you’re going to be opening up to them in such a vulnerable way, you have to be able to trust them, or at least vibe with them!

When I’m reading Tarot for you, I’m focused on your present moment. This helps us locate where there may be blockages or stagnancies, making it more clear where changes need to be made in order for you to aim for an aligned & healthy future.

I’m in the mindset that Tarot is here to help & heal. It’s how I fell in love with the practice in the first place! (None of that “woo woo stuff” for me!)

I’ve made it a point to tell everyone that comes to me about this little “quirk” of mine, because when people think of Tarot readers, they think of mediums, psychics & the future telling that comes out of it.

While that is possible, it’s not my style of reading! Tarot is a tool. It all depends on who is using the tool.

The hardest clients for me to work with are the ones that say “Well, yeah, I already knew that”. Yeah, I’m sure you did, but what are you doing to fix it?

For example, one of the first times I read for someone else, the cards were explaining that they were having a hard time sleeping at night. They couldn’t find a way to decompress at night & the cards predicted that it was because she was worrying about a loved one.

How much of that worry can be resolved at 1 in the morning? We both agreed that nothing helpful can come from sleep deprivation & stress, so I recommended finding ways to let go of what they couldn’t control. She told me “Well, yeah, I already knew that.”

So, I said “Great, then what techniques have you tried to release that stress & worry so you can get some rest?”, because in the end, the struggle was finding a way to decompress at night so she could get a proper night’s sleep. She explained in a huff of frustration that all she’s willing to do is push through it & continue trying to resolve this problem that is inevitably out of her control (especially at 1 in the morning).

Well, now we’ve come full circle. If there’s no willingness to move forward, then there’s nothing I can do.

She ended up frustrated with me & told me she had expected me to tell her what her future held instead, so that's what I did. Needless to say, the outcome wasn’t all sunshine & rainbows & she was not happy when she left me that day.

I am going to be the Tarot reader that calls you out, but I will also lift you up! I’m in the mindset that if you’re going through it, there is a combination of cards that has also been through it, meaning, you’re not alone!

The Fool is card 0 & I like to call them the “Main Character” of the deck. Let’s be honest, we all feel like a bit of a fool at one point or another. They’ve been through any & every combination of cards that could possibly be read, & if they made it through to completion, so can you!

I’m just the translator!

So, to make things very clear:

I am NOT a psychic medium (I don’t speak on behalf of those who have passed).

I do NOT predict lottery numbers (I wouldn’t tell anyone if I won the lottery, but there’d be signs).

I’m NOT a Doctor, Therapist, or Lawyer (although that pay grade would be awesome).

I WILL direct you towards your highest potential!

I WILL encourage your healing journey!

I WILL showcase ALL of your strengths!

& you KNOW that whatever force, energy, God, or whatever’s up there is BACKING YOU UP!



When are you booking a Tarot Reading with me?

(Send me a DM, let’s begin this journey together!)

If you need me, you know how to find BE!

Signing off,

Amanda :) (;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1724859915401744%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw0AkjSWEBM8Y_YDiKAL0T3L&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1724859915411426&usg=AOvVaw3lSeCi99fYAw2pK9bNK6hO) (;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1724859915402188%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw198Q1M2ZCJiqQghBvmlHBg&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1724859915411602&usg=AOvVaw1w8qUe3H59hk9AR6EUdD31) (;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1724859915402420%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw284D98Ug99lW8p5w_SBimw&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1724859915411699&usg=AOvVaw1C8aBFeA6xC10ZtHRCFyK6) (;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1724859915402654%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw2tLWRHg6zy-cX6IgVxFJkm&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1724859915411751&usg=AOvVaw18qTmOChowaTksDZTmjAt6)
