I feel like I’m getting back to my roots! (My Root Chakra is tingling while I’m writing this, seriously. This heals my inner-child like nothing else ever could. My thirteen-year-old self is kind of freaking out right now.)

BE’s Blog; a space in which nothing is off limits because if it’s part of the human experience, it’s worth holding space for! 

Holding a safe & sincere space for others was always the ‘why’ behind my business. While I’m on the topic ‘of holding space’, I’m so grateful for Ceci - The Beauty Philosophy for offering me the space to offer my services in her shop & now for the space on her website to TALK, HELLO?! HOW FUN IS THIS ABOUT TO BE?! (Thank you endlessly girl, I just know we’re going to make so many core memories!)

Of course, I first want to introduce myself as your spiritual healer, but before we hop into all that formal stuff, I wanted to first address…

What does it mean to ‘BE’? (other than by being the cutest acronym for my business.)

Well, in your personal experience;

What does it mean to exist in your full authenticity?

What does it mean to project your highest potential?

What does it mean to exist in the present moment the way it comes naturally (even if the path ahead is a little unclear)? 

Learning to ‘BE’ is difficult right now, yes, but it’s accepting that doing the difficult thing is what will strengthen you! Achieving your highest potential is going to be difficult, no matter who you are. 

To ‘BE’ is to exist in your space, in your life & in your Soul in the most honest & authentic way possible.  It means creating space for what is. Not to judge, ridicule or procrastinate the truth in front of you!

I’ve created The Butterfly Effect - Spiritual Healing as a space to BE.

I made a space to acknowledge the truth, a space to think it through, a space to make changes where necessary & to heal as a result! 

I guess I should get into introducing myself as your healer now, huh?

Hi, I’m Amanda :) Your new favourite Tarot Reader, Reiki Healer & Spiritual Healer! 

I feel like I’m standing up in class and listing off 3 facts my classmates should know about me. (Did anyone else treat it like 2 truths & a lie & say something completely obscure to see if any of the other 12-year-olds would react? Afterwards, I would disclose the secrets to my friends so we had something to snicker about at recess.) 

Anyways, as I get older, the less recess I get & the more crazy, obscure things actually become my reality. Now, I don’t even have to lie to get a reaction because “hi, yes, I read tarot cards full-time” really does do the trick.

So no tricks or games, I’m so excited to show up for you as my authentic self & share with you…

3 Facts My Clients Should Know About Me: (Healing is doing this exercise without feeling awkward or uncomfortable. Try this out & share your 3 facts with me! I love chatting with you guys through my DM’s!)

  1. I call myself a ‘Witch’ -  I get such a mixed reaction from telling people this. It ranges from terrified to becoming best friends instantly. (I mean, I can’t blame anyone. Calling myself a witch really does make it sound like I’m going to melt in the rain & curse your bloodline. To clarify, I am not going to do that).

The best definition of a modern day ‘witch’ I’ve seen to date is written by Skye Alexander from her book The Modern Guide to Witchcraft “a witch is someone who uses their [personal] power along with the natural laws of the universe to shape reality in accordance with his/her/their purposes.” (Alexander, 2014).

I found this connection to my personal power around 5 years ago now & I have my Craft to thank for the drastic improvement I see in my mental health today. I’ve seen nothing but positivity come from the work I’ve done. Sure, witches can be “bad” or have harmful intentions, but when used morally, witchcraft has the power to change a life for the better. 

I look forward to sharing more about my Craft in future blog posts!

2. I’m a Saggitarius Sun, Leo Moon & Leo Rising - Hehe, hi. I’m a fire sign. I’m soft, but I’m not going to beat around the bush. If you need someone to light a fire under your butt so you can check something off the ‘to-do’ list, I'm your girl. 

I’ll get the thing checked off the ‘to-do’ list & treat you to ice cream after because yes, that was a difficult task (even if only mentally) if it led you to stress in the first place. While we have the ice cream, I’ll probably probe you about why you were actually avoiding the task. Is it a project you don’t enjoy? Is it draining? Is it a routine that’s become tedious? The fire sign in me is going to light up the whole pathway ahead of you so you can see clearly where the true issue is.

We’ll chat about how we can make the task enjoyable so you can feel productive & satisfied  the next time you have to do the dishes. Was it worth the stress? Probably not, you’re just not having fun with your to-do list yet!

Yes, my astrological birth chart can metaphorically light a fire. What I say & the advice I translate through the cards may be easier said than done, but my fire is a gift I’ve acknowledged provides light on the journey ahead! I’m honored to be sharing this gift with you!

3. Butterflies are a sign from the Divine* that I’m on the right path! - At least in my practice, butterflies tend to show up when I’m not looking for them. I have a thought, a breakthrough, or a lesson or theme clicks & a milk carton with a butterfly will make an appearance.

Call it a placebo if you want, but it works. In fact, I started this business because I had an idea & a butterfly flew by me one day in the park. How’s that for the butterfly effect? (I mean, I named my business after a chaos theory, for crying out loud. I’m all for creating space for the little things because no matter how little it feels, the little things count!)

For some, this confirmation comes as flowers, for others as birds, for others as phrases or symbols, but for me, it comes as a butterfly. It’s my most cherished connection to the Divine. Plus, I’ve always loved a good butterfly!

*The Divine - Substitute this with any word you like; call it God, the Universe, “Whatever’s-Up-There” works too. I’m not here to judge your relationship to religion! None of what I do involves any dogma, the work is simply spiritual!

Nothing lights me up like being the perspective you needed to hear, nothing gets me giddy like a good set of cards & an open heart to receive their advice, & nothing has changed me like my practice has. 

I can't wait to share so much more about what I do here on BE’s Blog! If you’ve read this far, you’re a real one & I’d love to hear 3 facts I should know about you! Send me your facts in a DM on Facebook or Instagram (while I’m still a small enough business to respond to everyone)!

Next up in my article line-up (& I’m already in the process of writing this one), I’ll be chatting about my journey through card reading! I’ll chat about my first ever tarot reading, how I learned how to read for myself & why I share this gift with others! I’ll talk about my relationship with tarot, what I think about oracle cards & maybe even offer a small collective reading at the end!

But, all that will be for next time. You’ve had some time to get to know me, I’m looking forward to getting to know you!

If you need me, you know how to find BE!

Signing off,

Amanda :) 


Alexander, Skye “The Modern Guide to Witchcraft”, (2014)


How I Read Tarot: Trusting Your Tarot Reader